Present your message like no other presentations on earth.

The booth staff is processing leads, and in the background, your ears detect a balanced sales pitch between a professional product representative and a good-humored entertainer. Gathered are perspective clients fixated on the hands of the visual artist Dale Obrochta. Twirling and twisting, a red air-filled tube transforms into customized art, and you hear four major selling points being addressed. Your prospects will learn about your global distribution, worldwide organization, or why you’re the “best in the world” in your industry.
Dale’s presentations are unique, memorable, and focused on your company’s key points. Dale helps prospects connect with your sales and marketing team, making it easier for your team to produce leads.
Aisle View
The working area requires only 3.5 feet to 4 feet of booth space. The presentation is front/center of the booth for the highest traffic and maximum impact.
Theatrical Twist
Dale’s stage presence makes for an excellent formal presentation. Requires a stage or platform with seating to draw massive crowds to a booth.
Presentations may run 2 to 3 times an hour.
Additional Attraction with a Twist
The unique giveaway attracts prospective clients and vendors from across the exhibit floor. Business cards are exchanged, badges swiped, and competing vendors willingly send traffic to your booth in exchange for their customized artwork.
The Power of the Twist
Leaving your booth is an army of fans who proudly strut around the exhibit hall showing off custom art and talking about your company. Attention, Message, and Leads are easy to obtain when you have the right craftsman working on your behalf.
- Generate Leads Effortlessly
- Draw Crowds
- Relaxing Sales Pitch
- Fun-filled Atmosphere
- Professional Presenter
- Generate a Buzz on the Floor
- Personalized Giveaway
- Memorable Experience
- Works in Any size Booth – Island, In-Line, Corner or End Cap
Listen as Dale talks with TradeshowGuy Tim Patterson on how to get your message out to the attendees at a trade show.