Case Study: TodayCare, LLC – Residual Effect at Trade Show

Scenario: TodayCare, LLC attended the ASHHRA conference, and their main focus was on lead generation. Unfortunately, they did not plan well, and the conference was slow. Luckily, Dale was contracted just a few booths away.
Conclusion: Following the event, TodayCare’s Vice President of Business Development took the time to send Dale this message: “Dale, I just wanted to thank you for being close to our booth at the ASHHRA conference. The conference was very slow for most of the vendors this year; however, we could capture a hit rate of 17%.
I talked with a few of my competitors at the conference, and they did not have near that hit rate. I attribute this to you being two booths down from us. People were searching for you and your fantastic balloon art, and they would always wander past our booth on the way to talk with the client you were representing. It was amazing to see all the people walking around talking about what you had created for them. Dale, you have a real talent, and it was a joy to watch you work.” — John Faber, Vice President, Business Development, TodayCare, LLC.
Learn about the success PRC Inc had at the ASHHRA conference – they hired Dale.